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how to draw an mk2 hand grenade step 1


 Okay in this first drawing step you will start by drawing out the cup shaped body of the grenade as shown. Once you have that done you can then draw all the vertical lines that cover the shell, there is a total of three vertical lines. Next you will add the horizontal lines, this time there is four. After you get that done you will ten draw out the guidelines for the cap and safety lever.
how to draw an mk2 hand grenade step 2


 Okay you will now start using the guidelines you drew on the shell to make the pineapple shaped blocks that go all around the grenade. Make sure that when you are drawing these squared blocks out, the top is drawn on a rounded angle. After that you will then detail the mid part of the cap.
how to draw an mk2 hand grenade step 3


 You will now start detailing the square blocks to make them look three dimensional. All you will do is draw out the lines in a block format like you would when you draw block letters. After you are done with this step yo0u can then move onto the next.
how to draw an mk2 hand grenade step 4


 This is your last drawing step. What you will first do is carefully erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew back in step one. After you have done that you can then draw a double circle for the shape of the pin that is embedded in the hand grenade. After that draw the rest of the safety handle as shown which is long and slightly curved.
how to draw an mk2 hand grenade step 5


 When you are done your grenade should come out looking like the one you see here. All you have to do now is color it in and that is it. I hope you liked this drawing tutorial on how to draw a MK2 hand grenade step by step. I will be back with another tutorial in a bit so stay tuned.

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